Who we are, Mission, Vision

A civil and servicing non-profit organization, specialized in humanitarian work, licensed in the Arab Republic of Egypt by the social affairs.
Looks after the affairs of the Egyptians and refugees in all parts of the republic in all humanitarian fields.

Watan Vision
A supportive environment for refugees and the host community in Egypt where they can exercise their rights and live in dignity to find opportunities, achieve self-reliance, development and community support.

Watan Mission
Create sustainable projects to raise the social situation of refugees and the host community in Egypt. According to the principles of human rights and humanitarian work, regardless of race, religion, or political affiliation.

Watan Objectives
Create a supportive environment for community in basic and required needs. 
Achieving the best services in humanitarian work. 
Develop the scientific and professional capabilities needed in the community to become effective and useful according to requirements of the age. 
Support sustainable projects to raise the social situation of the citizen.

Watan Values
dedication to work - responsibility - transparency and integrity - work within the occupational standards.